About Us
We are now Switzer Landscaping. Nothing’s changing with our service to you! We have a new name, and that’s it. This is a family business, and reputation matters in a small community! We think Jerry and the team built a fantastic model for over 40 years as horticultural and landscape specialists, so we’re going to keep a good thing growing! We continue on a regular basis to involve Jerry and his expertise with our business and its growth, and we’d like him to be involved for a long time. We feel blessed to have you as a customer, to have the team we do, and the opportunity to serve our community.
Our Legacy
Jerry Anderberg & Associates was founded in October of 1978 by Jerry and Ruth Anderberg. Jerry Anderberg & Associates is a family business in which Ruth has participated in running since its inception. Jerry has a Bachelor of Science degree in Horticulture from North Dakota State University and has worked for over 40 years in the landscape and nursery business. Jerry loves the trial, testing and introduction of new and improved plant varieties and has worked hard to make available several unique native plant selections.
Jerry Anderberg & Associates has completed hundreds of successful projects in Montana and Wyoming including individual tree planting, residential and commercial projects, and large parks and estates covering several acres.